Easy Tips and Ideas to Live a Frugal Life Whether talking to an accountant or insurance agents, you can learn a lot about how to save some money every month. Being frugal makes it easier to get your spending under control while sticking to a reasonable budget. Having some ideas about how to be more…
How to Save for Retirement While Sending Your Kids to College
How to Save for Retirement While Sending Your Kids to College Raising a family has never been easy, but it’s even harder these days. Think about it, we are marrying and having kids later, living longer lives, and costs – well, the cost of just about everything keeps going up. This leaves us in…
Find Deals for Your Summer Fun
Find Deals for Your Summer Fun Although some will tell you that they have trouble finding a good deal, are they looking in the wrong places? For millions hoping that deals are more commonplace in their lives, there are ways to find them. For instance, rely on family and friends to turn you on to…
Here’s What You Need to Know About Mutual Fund Investment
If someone offers you a way to grow your money, more often than not, you will take them up on their offer. Considering of course that this person is from an organization that handles finances, you will even offer up an amount right then and there. It is such a no-brainer, right? Who would not…
Shop Around for Savings on Jewelry
Shop Around for Savings on Jewelry Are you a woman who loves jewelry? Asking that kind of question is almost like questioning kids if they like playing with their friends and/or riding their bikes. With that in mind, jewelry can oftentimes prove to be too expensive for many women (and men for that matter) leaving…