Being a woman, I really never gave much thought to hair loss. I sort of assumed it was a male problem, that I really didn’t need to think about. Unfortunately, my family genes are not friendly to hair. My dad and grandfather were both balding in their high school graduation pictures. I never really thought…
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Interactive Cable Television Shows That Will Get Your Kids Up and Moving
The relatively new advent of interactive television is making waves in some psychology departments, because of the positive effects that certain programs have in helping young kids develop narrative skills and understand story sequence. You are certainly aware of how much kids love to see moving images (don’t we all) in exciting, luscious and richly-detailed…
What’s Eating You? Top Tips for Reducing Your Food Bill.
The worldwide economic crisis has impacted on us all. Whether you are adapting to a lifestyle on one salary or simply wish to live a more frugal and considerate ecological existence, we have some top tips to bear in mind when it comes to one of our biggest areas of waste, our food bill. Write…
Cadbury World a Must See in the UK!
My husband and I have been saving for many years for the honeymoon we never had. Next year we will be married for 25 years and I would love that honeymoon to be to the UK. Since I am pretty much obsessed with taking this trip, I am actively searching out sites to visit and…
Don’t Let Christmas Ruin Your Budget!
Everyone wants their Christmas to be special and memorable. Unfortunately, it’s easy for your budget to spin out of control if you get caught up in the hype and frenzy of the commercial aspect of the season. My husband and I have to make sure we tighten our belts and stick to our pre-planned budget…