March 22nd, 2013 marks the 20th annual World Water Day, a day that hopes to raise awareness that over 4,000 children in developing countries die every day from illness and disease related to unsafe drinking water. What a sad statistic!! I for one know that I take fresh clean drinking water for granted on a daily basis. Every child deserves clean drinking water, no matter where they live!
Here are some facts about water issues abroad and here in the US, and how PUR Water Filtration Systems are helping the cause:
What’s happening abroad?
· 783 million people in the world do not have access to clean, safe water and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. 1.4 million children die every year as a result of diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation. This amounts to around 4,000 deaths a day or one every 20 seconds.
How can we help?
· PUR products offer a simple way to help provide funding for clean drinking water to those who need it the most. Through an ongoing partnership with Procter & Gamble’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water (CSDW) program, PUR provides funding and resources to donate clean drinking water to children in the developing world.
· Each purchase of PUR products supports this partnership with the CSDW program, by donating annual funding and resources to provide clean drinking water to these families abroad. You can also visit the PUR Facebook page and donate 10 liters of clean water to those in need with just one click through the Daily Drop program every day!
· For additional program details, visit or
But what about water here in the US?
· While access to water and water quality abroad are of international concern, we can’t forget about the quality of the water our families drink everyday.
· Tap and bottled water may look clean, but water takes a journey before reaching your home. According to research supported by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there may be as many as 16 millionwaterborne illnesses a year associated with drinking water.
· Americans have the option of an at-home filtration system, such as PUR Water Filters, which are certified to remove more contaminants than any other leading brand. Using an at-home filter ensures you and your family are drinking clean, crisp-tasting water.
Enter now to win a PUR Advanced Faucet Water Filter and help people all over the world get the clean water they need! Enter on the Rafflecopter below and Good luck!!
I learned that their technology can clean dirty water in about 30 minutes total!
Director Dr. Greg Allgood has been working with the program since 2001.
providing clean, purified, drinkable water can reduce the risk of disease and death by about 50 percent
I didnt realize how many waterbourne diseases still exist in the US
I learned that P&G has been working with the Center for Disease control since 1995 on this problem.
I learned that The P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program provides clean drinking water to people who really need it using water purification packets. That’s AWESOME!
I learned that they work with places like PSI, World Vision and CARE
I learned that diarrhea from contaminated water is the leading cause of death in infants and children. ): Wow.
Providing clean, purified, drinkable water can reduce the risk of disease and death by about 50 %.
That diarrhea is the number one cause of death…..sad.
Over 2,000 children die every day as a result of diseases that cause diarrhea
I learned that clean drinking water can reduce the risk of death and disease by 50%.
I learned that over a billion people do not have safe drinking water!
I didnt realize how many waterbourne diseases still exist in the US
I learned that there are still alot water born illnesses in the US.
I learned from the website that clean, purified, drinkable water can reduce the risk of disease and death by about 50 percent!
Over 2,000 children die every day as a result of diseases that cause diarrhea.:(
that over 2,000 children die each day caused by contaminated water! So horrible!
I learned that March 25 is world water day, I didn’t know that! ( I have ADD lol so sometimes I skip stuff in posts), Dr Greg AllGood works with P&G since 2001 and flies all over teaching about purifying safe water for families and children! I didn’t even know P&G did this either 🙂 Thanks!
I learned that one packet can be used to turn 10 liters into drinkable water. This technology was developed in collaboration with the CDC and is similar to municipal water systems. This really seems like a brilliant idea; it’s so simple for anyone to use and it seems like it would be easy to store and transport as well.
I learned more children die from lack of clean water than HIV/AIDS and Malaria combined
I learned just a few years ago, 4,000 kids died every day from diarrhea caused by unsafe drinking water
[email protected]
I learned that over a billion people do not have access to clean drinking water in the world today.