What if there was an alternative to shelling out all that money you spend on textbooks each semester? Well there is! You can rent!
Campus Book Rentals offers new and gently used textbooks for typically less than half the price or more than you’ll pay in your school bookstore. Search for the college books you need and start saving money today!
We are all about saving money! Campus Book Rentals is a site we have personally used and will continue to use! My daughter has rented several books from Campus Book Rentals and has been more than pleased! They offer FREE shipping to you and when you return your books after the rental period ends. One of the books she is renting this semester, Introduction to Sociology , for $18.62! As you know we always shop around for the best buy before we make most purchases. The next best price I could find on this book was used at Amazon for $29.99 or NEW for $50! The rental is definitely the way to go! Next year, we will have 2 kids in college, look out Campus Book Rentals, we will be using your service, even more!
Campus Book Rentals is offering a great Grand Prize this week:
Grand Prize: $50 PayPal for you and the choice of the following for a friend – a chocolate-covered fruit basket or $50 coupon code towards textbooks
About Our Sponsor
Campus Book Rentals also is teamed up with Operation Smile. Operation Smile is an out of this world, awesome organization, that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. A portion of every sale goes to support this program and pay for these life-changing surgeries.
Check out Campus Book Rentals and see how much you can save, and help them Pay if Forward to Operation Smile.
Here’s How You Enter:
The Giveaway will open up on Tuesday 7/24 at 12:01 am EST and Close on Friday 7/27 at 11:59 pm EST.
1) Start at the Rafflecopter form below
2) Complete the Mandatory entries.
3) Work your way through the links, entering contests at each blog as you go. These contests each have their own rules and end dates.
4) Complete additional entries towards the bottom and come back for additional daily entries!
That’s it! You have successfully entered this awesome giveaway! Side note…It’s not mandatory that you enter all the giveaways at each blog. However, doing so not only increases your chances of WINNING the other prizes, it increases your chances of WINNING the Grand Prize!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mission Giveaway started with the $100 Story where with $100 several people received the help they needed. We are on a mission to help people! We have gathered a group of bloggers that want to make a difference. Together we are the Mission Giveaway Group!
To inquire about becoming a sponsor, please contact Amee or Dawn at [email protected] for details. Take a look at our Media Kit to see what Mission Giveaway has to offer.
Are you a blogger that would like to participate in Mission Giveaway? Find out how you can join us.
The amazing Blogs participating in the event this week are:
Couponista Queen| Mommy Needs Her Coffee| Madame Deals| Giveaway Bandit| More from Mom| Confessions of an Overworked Mom| Organic Mommy Today| Family, Love and Other Stuff| Coupon Queen that Saves the Green| Tidbits From A Mom| The Centsible Family| Moms Saving Money| All About the Mommies| The Lucky Ladybug| Colleen’s Book Nook| Let’s Win| Money $aving Michele| Coupons For Your Family| How Was Your Day?| FurKid Fosters| Coupon Crazy in Kentucky| pittsburgh frugal mom | the ABC kidZ| Pink Ninja Blogger| Utah Coupon Deals| The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug| Coupons with Q| Making of a Mom| Blogging Is a Trip| Slop Swap|
Check out how entrants would pay it forward this week and enter your own comment:
I LIKE the FB Like page done up by Mommy Needs Her Coffee
I could read everything easily!
Please Thank her for me. I am asking because comments were disabled.