Out of pocket cost $3.19. Could have done better had I known for sure how the coupons were going to work at Dollar General. I had $5 off Maalox and it sells for $4.50, so wasn’t sure if it would adjust down to $4.50 or take off whole $5, well lucky me, it takes off the whole $5. So here’s how this trip worked and now I know for future trips how to work the coupons.
All of my coupons came from Sunday paper inserts. Sorry I don’t keep track of dates, I just know what I have .
Gillette Men’s Bodywash – $2.75 – Coupon for $2 off
Cover Girl Foundation (last week I posted about make up on clearance at Dollar General, that you should have coupons for ) $1.00 – Coupon for $1 off
2 Maalox $9.00 – 2) Coupon for $5 off
Revlon Mascara $2.10 – Coupon for $1.00 off
Gain Dryer Sheets $2.75 – Coupon for $3 off
Dove Deodorant $1.85 – Coupon for $2 off
Palmolive Dish Liquid $3.50 – Coupon for $1 off (coupon expired that day & only used it to use up some overage, shelf tag said $2.50, so I need to get my adjustment, next time I go in)
All that for $3.19 Very pleased. Have a great week! Let me know what bargains you find.
I had a great run at Rite-Aid yesterday. Got about $50 dollars worth of stuff for 6 bucks. 4 boxes of ceral, 3 lotions, 4 boxes of tampons, 2 baby shampoos, Halls drops, Oreo cookies, and dental floss. It was a good hall. It would have only been $2. but I didn't get a chance to clip my Wellness Rewards to give her. No big deal I'll use them next time.
Have a great Monday!
Great deal, I wish I had this coupon knowledge to get the good deals!
New follower via GFC.
I'm going to have to figure this coupon thing out!!! Good work.
Congrats on the spotlight.
Excited to follow all your adventures now. The Survival Mama
That is AWESOME! I'm very impressed. 🙂
New follower from blog hop.
That is so awesome. I need to clip coupons more! Congrats on Co-Hosting MMB ~ New follower!
Hi I'm following you. Hugs