It’s a brand NEW YEAR, what a perfect time for you to help your child or any child be the best they can be!
This a review and giveaway for Progress Cards Think of the name for just a moment, don’t we all want to make progress in something? These cards will help you as parents, teachers, homeschoolers, mentors, coaches, grandparents, foster families and more. They can be used by just about anyone . If you have a child with special needs or behavior issues, this just may be the tool you have been looking for.
Progress Cards are a useful way to help children deal with difficult feelings, learn tips to improve some behaviors, and develop effective coping skills to deal with divorce, death, bullies, and much more. Most of the Progress Cards can be printed double sided, so children will have a place to check off the skills as they practice them. I am having my set laminated. Once laminated, they can be written on with a dry erase marker and used over and over again.
Thanks to Scott Ertl, M.Ed Progress Cards Author, all of you are winners today. Scott is allowing everyone of you to download a 2 card free sample Plus, all readers can also download Free Progress Book This is a chance for you to decide for yourself, if these cards are right for a child in your life.
Once you download your freebies, I am sure you will discover that Progress Cards can be a great resource to help children be successful and reach their highest potential. The cards are simple to use and a great tool for children and adults alike. We have lots of coaches in our house and we all LOVE the sportsmanship card for motivating our team members and parents, alike. The Progress Cards have been successful for hundreds of children and there are 60 different cards to support children and help them to grow into healthy happy members of society. I only wish I would have had these progress cards a bit earlier, in my parenting journey, but they can even work with teenagers, too.
Would you like to WIN your own complete set of Progress Cards ($34.99 value) and possibly get started with a great new year for a child? We are excited to be able to giveaway an entire set of Progress Cards to one lucky blog reader. But, if you don’t want to wait you can go directly to Progress Cards and buy your set today.
Mandatory Entries – Like Progress Cards & Musings by Michele on Facebook & leave a separate comment for each like. (2 entries per comment). Make sure you leave an email in your comments so we know how to reach you.
BONUS ENTRIES – be sure to leave an email address where we can contact you.
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Share this giveaway publicly anywhere you choose and leave a comment with the link to your share.
(3 entries for each share link you post)
Vist the Progress Cards Progress Cards website and download your freebies and leave a comment that you did it (10 entries)
Winner will be chosen on on January 16th, 2011, they will have 72 hours to respond with an email address for download of prize or a new winner will be drawn. Thank you and Good Luck!
Disclaimer – I was not compensated for this review. I received my own free set of Progress Cards to test & review. All views expressed our my own honest opinion.
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Hi there, thanks for finding me. I dropped by to say Hello and admire the purple. Pretty!
Happy New Year! Oh, and I'm following you too!
Thanks for linking up at my sunday hop. I am following you now.
Stopping by from Sunday’s blog hop and am your newest a follower! I also liked your FB page and hope you will hop on by to one of my blogs and FB page too!!/pages/Tawnas-thoughts-plans-and-journeys/110934798966532
umm,not sure what all the lingo is,but hello..i am following you,not sure why..hoping for freebies,saw you on i love free things..
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I downloaded the freebies, thanks for the links.
I'm also a new follower from Mommy Mondays
Just found your site. Like what I see so far.
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visited the progress cards and downloaded the freebies 🙂 #1
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