Does your family take vitamins or supplements?
I dont make New Year’s resolutions, because I don’t want to break them! But I still need to lose some weight, so I think I am going to start a new tradition, Spring Resolutions!
My husband and I are on a quest to get healthier this year. We need to amp up our exercise game and be better at planning healthier food choices. Plus, our doctor has suggested a few vitamins to add to our daily diets to help combat fatigue and support bone health.
I have never been a fan of vitamins. Back in high school I was friends with a girl and her family owned a porta-potty business. The family often told horror stories about some of the “things” they found in the potties when they cleaned them out. Ever since then, I have steered clear of using or sometimes even walking by a porta potty. I have a serious aversion to them. LOL!
Along with personal items like cell phones and clothing, when they cleaned out the screens they would comment on the vitamins left over that had never broken down in peoples excretions left in the potties. I know YUK, right! So, I have always considered vitamins, pretty much a waste of money! But, since the doctor is highly suggestive about the vitamin ritual, I am doing some research.
In my research, I have found several forms of a liquid multivitamin. Taking a vitamin in a liquid form, just makes more sense to me. First of all liquid is much easier to swallow and secondly liquid will break down in my system much quicker than any pill. I have visited several websites, so right now I am still window shopping for the best deals. I am on the lookout for coupons, too!
I would love to hear about your healthy eating or supplement suggestions in the comments! Let me know what you think!
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